Cheraman Perumal Masjid in Kodungallur is the oldest mosque in the Indian Subcontinent built in the year 7 Hijrah , before and after renovation
After some time after Cheraman Perumal’s demise did his party decide to continue the journey to Kerala, this time, with renewed vigour and enthusiasm under the leadership of Malik bin Dinar. His team comprised of his wife, children , a few relatives and 22 religious scholars. They landed at the Kodungallur in the year AD 642-643. This was during the reign of Khalifah. Umar (R.A.) the second of the “Khulafa- ul -Rashidin”.
Malik bin Dinar met the then King of Kodungallur and handed over to him the royal letter which Cheraman Perumal had entrusted with his entourage before his death. The King honoured the letter and received the Muslims well. He gave them proper accommodation and took personal interest in their welfare. He undertook himself the supervision of the ” Muslim colony ” . He gave them every assistance for the construction of their first mosque in Kodungallur itself by providing land building materials and later maintenance of the mosque. This mosque is to become the first in the Indian subcontinent- the Cherman Perumal Masjid. This was indeed an impetus to Islam especially in its infancy.